Indian Grocery Store Locator

Indian Grocery Store

If you are traveling abroad then you only carry so many items from India and the need for an Indian item will arrive sooner than later. If you are a tourist, you may need an Indian Grocery Store for small snacks, phone cards or a quick Samosa fix. If you are an immigrant or moving to a foreign country for studies or work, then having an Indian Grocery store in your town is a must. The Indian community has spread to all corners of the globe and one can find an Indian Grocery store in many big and small cities now. has searched the Internet, Yellow Pages and made phone calls to locate Indian Grocery Stores for its visitors. So far we have identified over 3000 Indian Grocery Stores in over 20 countries from New Zealand in the East to the USA in the West. We are constantly updating our site with new stores. Many of our readers provide us with good reviews as well and we hope you will do the same.

Below are some of the popular Indian Grocery Store locations -

For a complete listing click on the "Read More Link" below